This is a list of the categories of cookies used in our website and why we use them.
This cookies are required for this website
timezone | The timezone cookie stores the user's current time zone information. This cookie is used to ensure that time-related features, such as displaying local time for events or scheduling, are accurately tailored to the user's location. It does not contain any personal data and is updated dynamically to reflect the user's current time zone settings. |
searchid | A search ID, is a unique identifier that a web server assigns to a user for the duration of the current session. A session is a finite period of interaction between a web client and server. |
sessionid | A session ID, also called a session token, is a unique identifier that a web server assigns to a user for the duration of the current session. A session is a finite period of interaction between a web client and server. |
csrftoken | A CSRF token is a secure random token (e.g., synchronizer token or challenge token) that is used to prevent CSRF attacks. The token needs to be unique per user session and should be of large random value to make it difficult to guess. A CSRF secure application assigns a unique CSRF token for every user session. These tokens are inserted within hidden parameters of HTML forms related to critical server-side operations. They are then sent to client browsers. |
These cookies make it possible to analyse website traffic, behaviour and improve the quality of the site.
google_analytics | Cookies used for analytics help collect data that allows services to understand how users interact with a particular service. |